Team Goals
The goal is for skiers to become fit and skilled in an individual sport with team spirit. Every team member is important and will gain a great deal from this experience. Everyone skis, everyone races.
Team Organization
Skiers will be divided into sub teams (A,B,C,D,E)
Each sub-team will have a specific coach
Time trial results, races and skier attitude and attendance will determine movement between sub-teams
All ski team members are expected to attend practices and participate in races
Practices and Races
Practice begins in early November
Season runs through February
Practice times: Monday - Friday 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Service High School
Attendance is taken daily and you MUST ski with your designated coach/group
Student can receive 1/4 PE waiver for team participation
Team meeting before practice: arrive on time, dressed to ski (hat/headband and gloves required)
Anyone (skiers, coaches, volunteers) experiencing symptoms or not feeling well must stay home and not come to practice.
Coaching Staff
HEAD COACH - Jan Buron
Jan has over 30 years of experience in competitive cross country skiing beginning with his time as a member of the Polish National Team. He was a World Cup Competitor, Polish National Champion, Medalist in U.S Masters Cross-Country Championships (1997,2007,2014) and was voted "Coach of the Year" by the US Cross Country Ski Association in the 1999-2000, 2009-2010 and 2018-2019 seasons. He is a lifelong athlete with a passion for cross country skiing and has dedicated the past 3 decades to coaching future generations of athletes.
To Be Determined